Harmonizing Progress and Nature: Finding the Equilibrium

Harmonizing Progress and Nature: Finding the Equilibrium

Mr Deepak Naidu, Chief Project Officer, Ashwin Sheth Group

Human well-being relies on progress and development, which provides individuals with abundant opportunities to realize their fullest potential. The crucial need for development is unquestionable. Recent decades however have seen the addition of a pertinent dimension to the discourse around development, namely the co-existence of development and nature. Amidst an ever-evolving urban landscape, striking the delicate balance between real estate development and the preservation of the natural environment is a multifaceted challenge that requires careful consideration of ethical, ecological, and societal implications.

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From Concrete Jungle to Green Oasis: The Rise of Eco-Friendly Real Estate Projects

Mr Deepak Naidu, Chief Project Officer, Ashwin Sheth Group

As the world unites to celebrate World Earth Day, it is not just a date on the calendar; it is a rallying cry for change. In the heart of urban landscapes, a quiet revolution is underway, transforming concrete jungles into vibrant, sustainable ecosystems. In today’s rapidly evolving real estate landscape, the focus has shifted from mere construction to the creation of eco-friendly living spaces that not only enhance the quality of life but also contribute to environmental preservation.

Read more “From Concrete Jungle to Green Oasis: The Rise of Eco-Friendly Real Estate Projects”

Four Key Trends Shaping the Real Estate Market in 2024

Bhavik Bhandari, CSMO, Ashwin Sheth Group

Real estate has experienced rapid expansion and evolution over the past several years, bolstered by policy reforms, positive consumer sentiment and a rise in disposable incomes. The dynamic sector has emerged as a powerful economic driver and is poised for even greater transformative growth in 2024 and beyond.

Read more “Four Key Trends Shaping the Real Estate Market in 2024”

Building the Future: Innovative Materials Reshaping the Construction Sector

Mr Sanjeev Agarwal, Chief Design Officer, Ashwin Sheth Group

Among the many innovations that have swept the real estate sector in recent years, advancements in construction materials are perhaps among the most significant. Beyond aesthetics, the choice of materials is a crucial factor underpinning any construction’s structural integrity and functionality.
The rise of advanced synthetic materials, which are lighter, stronger, and environmentally friendlier compared to conventional building materials, has ushered in a new era of real estate projects that prioritize energy efficiency, longevity, and sustainability. Let us examine a few innovative materials that exhibit significant potential in enhancing both the visual appeal and functionality of modern constructions.

Read more “Building the Future: Innovative Materials Reshaping the Construction Sector”

Building an Effective Hiring Process: 7 Best Practices to Follow

Mr Prabhakar Azad – Chief People and Process Officer (CPPO), Ashwin Sheth Group

As veteran business leader and former CEO of AlliedSignal (later Honeywell), Lawrence Bossidy, once famously said, “Nothing we do is more important than hiring people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not strategies.” – highlighting the critical role that talent acquisition plays in the success of any enterprise.

Finding the ideal candidate can be a challenging prospect in a highly competitive marketplace for talent, which makes putting in place the right processes pivotal for success. Embracing the following best practices will empower organizations to build a winning hiring strategy.

Read more “Building an Effective Hiring Process: 7 Best Practices to Follow”

Brick by brick – Crafting careers in real estate

Mr Prabhakar Azad, Chief People and Process Officer at Ashwin Sheth Group

The real estate sector has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last decade, fuelled by technology, societal shifts, and a shift in consumer behaviour. With the industry poised for even more changes shortly, professionals, students, and enthusiasts need to understand the landscape and adjust their approaches accordingly. In real estate, it is imperative to recognise the significance of continuous learning, the use of Proptech innovation, financial literacy, education, specialization, and strategic networking in shaping prosperous careers.

Read more “Brick by brick – Crafting careers in real estate”

Diversifying global portfolios through investments in Indian real estate

Bhavik Bhandari, CSMO, Ashwin Sheth Group

Global markets offer a plethora of promising investment avenues to long-term investors, enabling them to capitalize on growth trends across asset classes and regions. Among the most compelling investment opportunities that India presents is real estate. Projected to grow to a USD 1 trillion market size by 2030,

Read more “Diversifying global portfolios through investments in Indian real estate”

The Surge of Women in Real Estate

Gauri Tandle, Chief Financial Officer, Ashwin Sheth Group

In recent decades, across every field of endeavour and every sector of the economy, women have taken their rightful seat at the table. A survey conducted by Anarock last year revealed that an overwhelming majority of women – as high as 65% – preferred real estate to other investment options such as the stock market, gold or fixed deposits. This is borne out by our own experiences at Ashwin Sheth Group, which comprises over 30% female home buyers. As female property buyers gain greater prominence in the real estate landscape, the factors driving this transformative paradigm bear closer examination.

Read more “The Surge of Women in Real Estate”

Union Budget 2024: Catalysing Sustainable Job Growth, Advanced Skilling, and Women Empowerment

Mr Prabhakar Azad, Chief People & Processes Officer, Ashwin Sheth Group

The Union Budget 2024 signifies more than just economic decisions; it holds the promise of reshaping our workforce dynamics and fostering sustainable growth across sectors. As we eagerly await the budget announcements, there is a buzz of anticipation surrounding the policies aimed at driving job creation, skill development, and empowerment within the labour force. Additionally, there is hope that these policies will nurture an environment conducive to the flourishing of the real estate sector.

Read more “Union Budget 2024: Catalysing Sustainable Job Growth, Advanced Skilling, and Women Empowerment”

The Psychology of Luxury Design: Crafting Spaces that Inspire and Uplift

By Mr. Sanjeev Agarwal, Vice President, Design and Coordination, Ashwin Sheth Group

Luxury design goes beyond mere aesthetics, delving into profound realms of human emotion, well-being, and psychological fulfilment. In today’s era of affluence and indulgence, the essence of luxury design lies in its capacity to craft spaces that evoke deep emotions, elevate daily experiences, and enhance overall well-being, surpassing superficial beauty. By delving into the psychology of luxury design, we can appreciate how carefully curated environments have the power to transform our mental and emotional landscapes, creating sanctuaries that inspire. This article explores the intricate interplay between luxury design and psychology, shedding light on how carefully crafted environments can uplift spirits, stimulate the senses, and cultivate a sense of tranquillity and contentment.

Read more “The Psychology of Luxury Design: Crafting Spaces that Inspire and Uplift”